Future Projects

# Title Description Image Video
1 Eestablishing a protocol for stem cell harvesting from the eye.

Ethics committee approval papers are being prepared.

2 Clinical corelation between Ph of the eye and symptoms presented by the patient.


Patients may complain of burning of eyes due to many causes and triggers.

Which pathway finally triggers the burning may be interesting to study. We hypothesise that the final common pathway for triggers to cause burning of eyes may be "alteration of PH". A pilot study to measure Ph of patients by simple uristix is underway. It will later lead to a design and a study that will prove or disprove our hypothesis.

3 Clinicocytological corelation in ocular surface disorders

Cytological picture in surface disorders of the eye with imaging of microscope findings and imaging of the eye during disease

4 Prognostic Factor Study of Macular Edema Recurrence in vein occlusion cases on OCT Parameters.

To correlate specific OCT Bio maker to predict chances of Recurrence in patients with BRVO and CRVO, Macular EdemaObjec

Indusion Criteria

1]Patinet with BRVO  and CRVO presenting to us with symptoms of Diminision of vision will be included in the study.

2]Treatment naive patients

3}Patients who are Receiving same Antivegf (Molecular Biosimilar will be included in the study)

Exclusive Criteria 

1) K/ DM 

2) Previous history of Retinal Pathology like Diabetic Retinopathy, AMD etc 

3) Lost to follow up

4) Patient who might require switch of Anti VEGF owing to no response to initial injection

